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Thursday, August 28, 2008

nurses note...

=) I have to laugh....
This is what our day nurse wrote on a post it note:

Did not put on training pants (I got Elyse's training undies).
Today super busy - elyse pulled knobs off stove
- turn on the water cooler (elyse had filled the little tray with water.. nurse caught it on time before it spilled over). - in all drawers kitchen, her room - her closet. threw toys everywhere, wrote in nursing book, standing on her table, nose running - on pot every two hours, meals. Please help. picking up danger items from her (I confess, our living room is a mess) - plus she took clothes off.
I love the way she threw in there how her nose was running and that she sat her on the potty chair every two hours.

i told Lalo, I think we might be losing our day nurse. She didn't seem happy today because Elyse was really "acting up".

She tells me on the phone...

well i'm in the room and i hear "blump, blump.." (the sound of the water cooler) and I ran into the kitchen and sure enough Elyse was letting the water spill.
Then i'm throwing the water into the sink that the tray caught and Elyse runs into her bed room. When i go in there, she's in her closet messing with some folded blankets. I takes her out, when turn around Elyse is now standing on her Elmo table.
Oh and then she tried to clean her nose and Elyse ran away... when she caught her Elyse loosen up so it was hard for the nurse to pick her up. Smart kid.

Our baby is a toddler!

Now Elyse won't even sit in her potty. She just gets up and walks around butt naked!!! She always busy taking off her clothes. I have to be quick with her PJ's. If i don't hurry, she takes the diaper off.

When she's bored.. we have to be careful because for sure.. she'll be naked in the crib.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Mommy's make-up

Before I had Elyse, I wore lipstick. I used to feel naked without it. Now I rarely wear it. Once in a while, I'll put on some gloss and blush.

Saturday I decided to put some on and she saw me. She wouldn't stop starting , so I put a smear of gloss on her lips =) and she gave me a huge smile.

Today after work, she was very busy with my bag. I was letting her because I was curious to see what she would do. Well she knew exactly what to. I am amazed how she remember that the brush was for cheeks and the gloss was for the lips.

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Another party... my friend Lola's 1st b-day

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She loves this!!!
Mommy & Elyse

Standing by herself

(She saw the clown)

Natalie & mommy

Meet Lola... The birthday girl

So happy =)

I think he was a little bored

The birthday cake


Saturday, August 23, 2008

Mommy's favorite pictures of the day

those feet are still tiny!

My big girl trying to get on by herself


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I met one of Papi's Uncle & Aunt... they are visiting from Mexico.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Doppler study

Today was Elyse's Doppler study. She did very good. She did whine, but calmed down when daddy played one of her favorite signs movie. =) She kept telling us "all done".

Now we are just waiting for the results of the study. Hopefully we won't wait long. Her neurologist is quick at giving me the results.

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We also had a Ortho appointment in the same building. Her SMO's had to be adjusted because they were getting a little tight.

According to the Tech. These will not last long, so we may need to come back this month to get her molded for some new ones... that if PT still wants her in them.

Afterwards, we drop off Elyse with one of my sisters. Alex and I had dentist appointments. My sister said that Elyse only napped for 30 minutes.

She has only slept in a crib. We are not comfortable letting her sleep on a bed by herself, so when my sister moved her, she immediately woke up.

Elyse and Ethan napping together

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Ethan's foot on the bottom & Elyse's on top. Her feet are still tiny compared to my nephew.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Olympic's -

Wow.. I just read something that made me almost cry.

** China Olympic ceremony star mimed **
A girl who won national fame singing at the Olympics opening ceremony mimed while another girl sang, officials confirm.

This little girl was considered "flawed" because her teeth are crooked!

I can't even express how i'm feeling.  They claim it's for the country's best interest!

It's not right.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Speech, GI & Neurology

Tomorrow or Today -
We are off to Milwaukee for Speech at 10:30 AM, then GI at 11:30 AM.

I'm hoping Elyse has gain weight.  We sort of ran out of pediasure and have given her reg. milk a few times and skipped a bottle or two...  I think she's doing ok.  Her clothes are fitting well around her tummy and i've noticed a few have gotten tighter.

Tomorrow i'm going to ask if we can change her feeding button to a G button.  She currently has a G/J and can only be changed in radiology.  Elyse hasn't used a her J in a long time.  If we change it to a G, we won't have to schedule any radiology appointments.  We would change those ourselves at home.  It's going to be a bit hard for me at first because it involves pulling out the and inserting the new one in.  Just having to see her tummy hole give me the creeps.

But hey, I felt like that about the NG tube (the tube that went in her nose) and i got over it.  Also giving the interferon injections were hard at first and i got over it.  so i know that changing her button is nothing.  i just have to get used to it.  =)

By the way...
Dr. Cirillo from Neurology left me a message at home.  Elyse is allowed to fly.  They want us to make sure we keep her well hydrated though.

Her cranial doppler study is in two weeks and the rest of the MRI/CT's will be done annually in February.



Monday, August 4, 2008

Friday, August 1, 2008

We have reached some milestones!

First, she has started recognizing colors and shapes. I don't think she can give you a specific color if you ask her too, but she sorts them. Her OT is proud of her. She said we have a very smart baby. We agree =)

Second, she is doing the whole looking at herself in the mirror thing. Today at Lekotek, she just started at herself playing with toys. The child life specialist said that was very good. She gave us the name of what she's doing… but I can't remember right now. Even in the car, because we still have her facing the seat, she looks at herself when snacking or drinking. When we were picking out the toys to bring home… joking, we asked if we could take the mirror =). But seriously, we might have to buy one of those long ones to put behind a door or something for her to look at herself.

Other stuff that she has been doing:
Wanting to climb the stairs on her own vs. crawling up. It's still kind of hard for her, but she tries. She knows to hold on the rail or hold our hand.

She has started wanting to speak more. She tries to say "Hi, bye, dog, all done, duck" Words that she's learn first through signs. Oh did I mention that her daddy is "mama". She will not call Lalo "papa" I think it's a game. Child life specialist and her speech & language therapist said it's normal too. We gave up trying to get her to call him papa. She smiles and said... "mama". She still won't address me in anyway! but I think, i heard "mami" today. brat.

In signs.. she knows all the signs from her movies. I'm looking for some more kids movies. I know we can learn some too, but we forget them. I'm embarrassed to say that the ones we have learn is from seeing Elyse do them. She has learned about 25 signs using the movies. My favorite one I like seeing her do is turtle =) She has to use both hands and she looks so cute and fish too.

She still loves to dance. She has some new moves thanks to her Tia Claudia (me.. not happy). She loves this spanish song from Julietta Venegas. We have to replay the music video over and over. She stands and stares at the TV for a while and then she starts to dance.

She wants to put on shoes, even if they don't belong to her. She figured out how to put on her shorts and she still manages to get nakie in the crib when she's bored.

Her fine motors skills are soo good. Just seeing her take a pen is amazing. I think I might of mention this, but her Neurologist said that she can handle a pen better than most 3 yrs old!

Yea my mamas!

ps -
thanks to Tia Rosie for the Elmo bibs.

Elyse carries her "ata" all over the house and wants to take them everywhere. I'm trying to teach her to say "Elmo" but for some reason... he's "ata"

She still loves seeing Elmo on picture... But does not like the actual stuff toy. She doesn't like puppets that much. I think they freak her out, but if she sees Elmo on a cereal box - forget it. She goes all crazy.. "Ata! Ata!