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Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Yesterday our pug was making some weird noises. Like she was having trouble breathing. Elyse got concern. She asked me what was wrong with Boo Boo. She asked a few times, I told her Boo Boo needed to blow her nose. :) So what does Elyse do? She gets up, goes to the bathroom, grabs some tissue and tells Boo Boo to blow her nose. Since Boo Boo wasn't listening to her, Elyse brought the tissue to me, so I had to "help" Boo Boo clean her nose.

Monday, June 7, 2010


Elyse had her eyes checked and her vision has improved!

Her left eye is now at 20/30! Three month ago, she was 20/40. Dr. Curnyn was going to reduce the treatment, but she changed her mind and said she wants her to get to 20/20. We will return in October and hopefully by then, Elyse's vision will be perfect.

I can't believe that a couple of months ago, when we first started seeing Dr. Curnyn in January 2010, Elyse left eye was at 20/80. That's pretty amazing. Her pupil doesn't wander or twitch like it used. Best part is that we never had to patch :) and its not a struggle to get Elyse's eyes checked. I told Elyse we were taking her to get her french fries checked in her eyes and she immediately knew who we were seeing. That's the little trick this doctor uses to get Elyse to cooperate. She tells Elyse she's looking in her eyes to see if she has french fries. Saturday Elyse had no french fries, instead she had cookies... Elyse loved it.