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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

two appointments

Saturday elyse had her eyes checked.  Left eye (lazy eye) looks straighter, but her brain isn't making the connection.  When they checked her left eye vision, she couldn't see well.  She fought us and wouldn't try to look through her left eye with the right eye covered.  We tried it several times, i covered her right eye with my hand, we tried patching it and we tried using special glasses.  nothing worked.  The opthamologist said Elyse wasn't seeing (i forgot the numbers).  Dr got a good look into her left eye and nothing has changed.  plan is to continue with the current treatment for 6 months.  Every week, i put an ointment in her right eye that will dilate her pupil for the entire week.  that forces elyse to use her left eye more and works better than patching.    Dr said that she is giving the treatment six months to work.  if it doesn't, well then move on to glasses and she may even order an MRI (if necessary) to get a closer look at Elyse's optic nerve.  Right now, we're keeping our fingers cross that the treatment will work.  We follow up in 3 months.

Monday was elyse's annual cardiology followup including ECHO.  Everything is good! EKG keeps getting better each year and blood pressure was normal.  We followup in a year.  He will order a heart MRI in 2 years, when she's 5 years old to get a more detailed view, but right now it's not necessary.