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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

What happen?!

This is how I found Elyse this morning.

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Monday, April 27, 2009

Our weekened -

Friday -
Nurse Ida came over to say goodbye & pick up some stuff. It had been two weeks since Elyse saw her (Ida was out taking care of her son who had surgery when I terminated the nursing). Elyse was very happy, we were waiting outside and when she got out of the car Elyse gave out her "I'm very excited" yell and almost ran into the street towards her.
Saturday -
Boring!!!  It rain on and off all day.  After Elyse's morning physical therapy & breakfast... Elyse and I took Boo boo on a walk around our street.  When we got to the corner (where we turn to her babysitter) she cried because she wanted to go there.  We came home and then we decided to go to the park with Lalo & Boo boo (Alex was with his dad).  I wanted Elyse to get nice and tired for nap time =D.
Sunday -  More rain!!!
yep, that was it. lots of rain

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

IEP meeting today

Today Lalo and I had a meeting at our neighborhood public school for Elyse's IEP. Our social worker from Early intervention joined us. She was there for support. I think it went pretty good. Each therapist had evaluated Elyse and then gave their recommendation. Whether she needed additional services or not.
She will be placed in a blended classroom. Blended classroom mean "they are designed to meet the needs of 3 & 4 year old children with disabilities in the general education classroom with consistent support from an Early Childhood Education Teacher." There will be 20 children - 14 students from preschool and 6 with special needs. Two teachers - one special education, a regular teacher & one teacher assistant.

She will receive speech & occupational therapy and because of her medical history, they want a nurse to be available too. The nurse said that she will be check on everyday to make sure she is OK. That I wasn't expecting, but I'm glad she got. She will also get bus to and from school. A aid will be in the bus to help her get seated and because they think Elyse is small, they advice me to make sure CPS provides a car seat for her. Oh and because she isn't potty trained, they will help us with that too.

Now we wait for them to decide what school she will be placed at, so far we know of two schools in our area that provide this Blended classroom. They also said that sometimes they can change each year. Some are full too.

In order to prepare Elyse for school in the fall, our social worker through early intervention recommended that in the summer before school starts, to visit the school and take some pictures of the building, the classroom and the teacher. Use those picture and tell Elyse "this is where you will go.. this is going to be your teacher, classroom". I doubt Elyse will cry. She is too friendly, but we'll see.

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Thursday, April 16, 2009

Sleep, baby sleep... PLEASE!

Elyse's nurse has been out this week. Her son had a heart attack two weeks ago and on Tuesday required bypass surgery.

We have been looking into day cares since we only have two weeks left of nursing. I visited the home-day care by our house and even arrange it so that Elyse could do a week trial this week.

I'm glad we did, because the babysitter was uncomfortable at first. I took Elyse over and she saw how normal looking she was and agreed to do the week trial. So far its been good. The lady said she is behaving, eating very well and even going potty.
Elyse seems very comfortable. A little too much, she warmed up to a little girl on the first day and she started doing her head patting thing. Elyse's OT had a session with both girls and will work on Elyse's play skills. Her OT told me I shouldn't worry. Its Elyse ways of showing her love. Elyse is very happy to be with the children. Its something she craved and you can see it.

After seeing how well Elyse has adjusted, lalo and I decided to terminate the nursing services. The babysitter said she was comfortable with Elyse.

Now if only Elyse would take her naps, everything would be perfect!!! When elyse doesn't nap, she doesn't sleep well at night and if Elyse can't sleep... Mommy can't sleep!!!! So sleep baby please!

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Saturday, April 11, 2009

Elyse's new hair do

I know, I know... Her long hair was pretty, but she ate it! Well she chewed it and it was driving me crazy. At least now it doesn't require a lot of maintenance.
Oh and it wasn't easy, she gave us a hard time. She cried, kicked... It wasn't a good day for a cut.

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Thursday, April 2, 2009

GI appointment/ big news...

Feeding tube is still there. Doctor said that she is still not ready for it to come out. Good news is that we follow up in 6 months. During that time, we are going to try not using it (even if she gets sick). If she continues to grow, then the tube can come out.

Other big news!
NON- GI related...

May 5, 2009 will be the last day we will have nursing. It is being terminated!

So tomorrow I will have to start making some calls and start arranging some days to go check out some daycares. I'm totally freaking out. I was expecting this to happen, but with a extra 60 day notice. Oh well.
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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Good grades

I got to pick up Alex's report card a little early (it's supposed to be pass out tomorrow), but since we're going to take Elyse to Milwaukee tomorrow his teacher gave it to me this morning.

It was all good news.  He did excellent.  No complains from his wonderful teacher.  She told him that if he continues to work this hard and keep his grades up, he will have a good chance of going to a good High School.  Ya!  I still say, what a difference from last year.  This kid went from D's to A's.  He is very proud of himself and so am I.

Elyse News -
Tomorrow she has a GI appointment in Milwaukee, WI.  We are going to discuss the possibility of taking out the feeding tube.  We'll see.  =)  that's a hard one after seeing how convenient it is when she's sick. 

I'm looking forward to a little shopping afterwards.  OUTLET Malls  Woo Whoo! =)  My little mamas is in desperate need of pants.  Those little legs are having stretching out.