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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

baby & me - followup

had my ultrasound last week. baby is looking good. he's measuring at the 50 percentile. fluid is good too. his est. weight is about 5 lbs.

today I saw the hematologist because my blood paletes (sp?) are still dropping. Saturday CBC (complete blood count) showed that my palates dropped to 106. week ago, they were 110. I had more blood work done today. the hematologist added some other stuff. she explained that everything else, in my prior lab work looks good. it's only the palates that are dropping. if my numbers get too low, then they could treat me with steroids that will boost them BUT can cause my blood pressure to go up. If they drop below 50, then the baby will have to be checked after birth to make sure his are ok. right now, it's too early to start treating me. the only thing she's recommending right now,  is to continue the weekly CBC. Again, the only concern with having blood palates below 80-100 is me getting an epidural and I guess that would also be a problem in case of an c-section.  they would have to use general anaesthesia.

my blood pressure this morning was a little higher than normal. first one was 140/80, then she redid it with the manual cuff at it was 130/80. my normal numbers are in the 110/60. they are keeping an eye on that. plus I have my OB weekly appointment this Friday. I told lalo last night... Elyse was born at 36 weeks due to my blood pressure being at 140/90... i'll be 36 weeks next week and today my BP is high! It could also been high just because i was a new appointment.  it's called white coat syndrome.  Alex has that.  he's BP gets high whenever he has a doctor appointment.

I'll be following up with the hematologist next week.