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Friday, July 23, 2010

an update on baby & and me... :)

Week 33
8 months pregnant.

Today I finally got to meet my OB. Since I changed practice a couple of months ago... I hadn't chosen an OB. I did meet everyone else at this place.

She wants me to start coming in every week to get my blood pressure checked and urine protein (for preelcampsia since that was the reason Elyse had to be born early). Another little problem I'm having is that my blood work is coming back abnormal. My platelets keep coming back low. Today I had my fourth blood drawn. Seems that if this is low again, I will either see a hematologist or continue to do weekly blood drawn.

The weird part is that low platelets are usually associated with preeclampsia but in my case, my blood pressure and protein in the urine have been normal. That's why it's odd and I might have to see a hematologist.

Other problems associated with low Platelets: Thrombocytopenia, when the blood doesn't clot. Not good because i could bleed to death during the delivery. BUT my levels aren't that low.

I also know that I wouldn't be able to get an epidural if they are below a certain number. Which I still haven't decided if I am. Some of you might know that with Elyse, I developed a horrible allergic reaction to the adhesive they used when I got the epidural.  It was the first time I had one, so I didn't know.  My back look like I had third a degree burn. It was horrible. Just the thought of going through that again... well i rather go through the labor pain. BUT i'll be at a different hospital, different OB... so we'll see. I've been told there are other types of tape I can use.

Anyways. Next week, I'll be getting an ultrasound. We'll be checking the babys growth and fluid. Looking forward to that. :)